Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

I've been away from the coalface, as it were, for a couple of years, only returning to it in the past few months. And I have to say, not much as changed and some things never change.  One of those things is the denvercoder9 moment, and that is the reason I started to blog; I feel the pain so you don't have to.

Let me set the scene briefly. I have full visibility of, and total control over my development environment; happy days. However, when it comes to UAT and Production environments I'm flying completely blind and at times I feel like I'm performing keyhole surgery with only a sledge hammer and a forklift, oh, and no keyhole.

I spent some time putting together a stack that I could use as a template, a reusable pattern where, from application to application I could recycle the initial pipework and pretty much only change the data model. What I needed was something completely stateless, all I really need was CRUD, so I opted for a REST based approach; and for me that meant reference implementation, Jersey. The other thing was that I strived to make it as simple to deploy as possible; essentially a WAR to be dropped into the application server that could then update the persistence layer when the application server started up.

Everything went swimmingly. Well, that's a bit of a lie, I found that some browsers still do not support PUT and DELETE.

RESTful Browser Verb Check

IE8YesYesConverts to GETConverts to GET

Anyhoo, I readied myself to deploy to the UAT environment. This consisted of listing everything component and detailing every step of configuration. As this was the bedding-in phase I needed the entire environment configured, which included the installation of the JRE, application server, database and the application. This could have been smoother if I had access to the boxes, but nevertheless we got there in the end.

So now I have my environment set up and my application deployed, let's kick the tyres. To my horror I got a 500 back from the service. Dang. I didn't have access to the logs and the only person with access was on leave that day. So I waited.

After a bit more waiting, I finally got a hold of the logs. And found the culprit, the little blighter was sticking out like a strawberry in a bowl of peas.

I've seen you before, I thought, and fired off a mail to the box admin (who was WFH; I'd ideally walk round and discuss face-to-face) to verify the JRE running on the UAT box. Some time later it was confirmed UAT was running JDK-Y. I was using JDK-X, so the UAT environment was running an earlier version than that which I build the WAR with - makes perfect sense and matches exactly to the exception. Fine:

  • Download/Install JDK-Y
  • Change JDK-X to JDK-X (Preferences -> Java -> Compiler)
  • Clean project
  • Rebuild
  • Redeploy locally
  • Redeploy UAT
Same 500 came back. Pants. Scratch of the head.

  • Let's change the Change JRE System Libraries (Right-click project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> JRE System Library -- double-click and change to JDK-Y)
  • Clean project
  • Rebuild
  • Redeploy locally
  • Redeploy UAT
Same 500 came back. Starting to get a little annoyed now.

I Googled it. Every post said the same thing about the runtime and compile time JDKs being different, but I know that and I've told Eclipse. I checked that the Jersey binaries - built with Java SE Y. I've told Eclipse I want to use JDK-Y. How many times do I have to tell it? OK, I thought, everywhere I see JDK-X, I'll change it to JDK-Y, even if it seems irrelevant.
  • Change Target Platform (Window -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform -- double-click and change JRE name under the Environment tab
  • Change Project Facet (Right-click project -> Properties -> Project Facets -> Java -> Select JDK-Y from drop down
  • Clean project
  • Rebuild
  • Redeploy locally
  • Redeploy UAT


The moral of the story is, well I don't really know. What I do know is, it is annoying that you have to tell Eclipse four times in four totally different locations that you want to use a different JRE, and it's difficult to debug an application in an environment when you don't have access to said environment.


  1. Hi there,

    Nice blog! Is there an email address I can contact you in private?

  2. I'm contactable on janpaulettles at gmail dot com

  3. I cant thank you enough.

    1. Wow! Thank you, Anonymous. I'm glad the pain I felt was so that others didn't have to endure it.

  4. Thanks Alot Brother Thank Thanks Thankss.................................. You Solved Our Problem !!
